Register with Southern Utah Performing Arts Festival

Register to perform for adjudicators by following the links below. Schedules will be posted here once available.

Performance Tips for All Participants

  • See Rules & Regulations for important details
  • Performers should not repeat repertoire for at least 3 years
  • Best dress is strongly encouraged
  • Bring original music for the adjudicator with numbered bars
  • If you are late for your performance time, you forfeit performing

Brass & Woodwinds

Brass & Woodwind performances will be held in February 2025 at a specific date and location to be determined. Register now to reserve your spot.

  • Memorization of performance piece is strongly encouraged
  • No recorded accompaniment is allowed. Participants must provide their own accompanist
  • Five-minute performance limit
  • Adjudication forms and music stands will be provided at the performance venue


Monday March 3, 2025


Pine View High School


  • $25 for Solo
  • $35 for Duet
  • $50 for Ensemble (3-8)


Choir performances will be held in February and March 2025 at Pine View High School. Register now to reserve your spot.

  • Up to three selections allowed for high school performances, not to exceed 20 minutes
  • Bring chaperone(s) as needed to help with crowd control
  • Do not enter performance halls while a performance is in session. This is especially important in large group events.
  • Teachers, please instruct students on proper concert etiquette.


  • Wednesday February 19, 2025 for High School Chamber Choirs
  • Tuesday February 25, 2025
  • Monday March 24, 2025 for High School Large Choirs
  • Tuesday March 25, 2025 for High School Large Choirs


Pine View High School


  • $60 for Intermediate/Middle School groups
  • $85 for High School groups

Concert Band

Band performances will be held in February 2025 at a specific date and location to be determined. Register now to reserve your spot.

  • Up to three selections allowed for high school performances, not to exceed 20 minutes
  • Bring chaperone(s) as needed to help with crowd control
  • Do not enter performance halls while a performance is in session. This is especially important in large group events.
  • Teachers, please instruct students on proper concert etiquette.


Monday March 3, 2025


Pine View High School


  • $60 for Intermediate/Middle School groups
  • $85 for High School groups


Dance performances will be held in February and March 2025 at Crimson Cliffs High School. Register now to reserve your spot.

  • Arrive costumed with hair done no earlier than 15-20 minutes before your scheduled time
  • You are responsible for playing your own music
  • Ensembles/Teams announce your name, piece, and slate your performance with a short description before beginning
  • Recording of performance and adjudication is allowed only for your ensemble/dancer
  • Friends and family are welcome to observe


  • Friday February 28, 2025 for School Groups
  • Saturday March 1, 2025 for Solo, Studio Performances




Crimson Cliffs High School


  • $25 for Solo
  • $35 for Duet
  • $50 for Trio
  • $60 for Ensemble


Orchestra performances will be held in February 2025 at Crimson Cliffs High School. Register now to reserve your spot.

  • Up to three numbers, not to exceed 20 minutes performance time, are allowed
  • Arrive 20 minutes before scheduled time to check in, get instruments ready, and warm up; be backstage 5 minutes before your scheduled performance time
  • Be courteous to all performers by speaking quietly in the hallways and outside the performance rooms
  • Adjudication forms and stands will be provided at the performance venue
  • Announce your Orchestra and the name(s) of the piece(s) before playing


  • Wednesday February 12, 2025 for Intermediate Schools
  • Thursday February 20, 2025 for Middle/High Schools




  • Desert Hills High School (February 12)
  • Crimson Cliffs High School (February 20)


  • $60 for Intermediate/Middle School groups
  • $85 for High School groups


Percussion performances will be held on March 3, 2025 at Pine View High School. Register now to reserve your spot.

  • Be courteous to all performers by speaking quietly in the hallways and outside the performance rooms
  • Adjudication forms and stands will be provided at the performance venue
  • Announce your group and the name of the piece before playing


Monday March 3, 2025




Pine View High School




Piano performances will be held on March 22, 2025 at Pine View High School. Register now to reserve your spot.

  • Memorization of performance piece (required to earn a I rating) and best dress are strongly encouraged
  • Five-minute performance time limit
  • Adjudication forms will be provided at the performance venue
  • Please take pictures outside the performance room
  • Announce your name, age, and name of the piece before performing


Saturday March 22, 2025




Pine View High School


  • $25 for Solo
  • $35 for Duet


Strings performances will be held on February 1, 2025 at Snow Canyon Seminary, near Snow Canyon High School. Register now to reserve your spot.

  • Memorization of performance piece (required to earn a I rating) and best dress are strongly encouraged
  • Please arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before your performance time
  • Five-minute performance time limit
  • Adjudication forms will be provided at the performance venue
  • Announce your name, age, and name of the piece before performing


Saturday February 1, 2025


Snow Canyon Seminary


  • $25 for Solo
  • $35 for Duet
  • $50 for Ensemble


Vocal performances will be held on February 25, 2025 at Pine View High School. Register now to reserve your spot.

  • Memorization of performance piece (required to earn a I rating) and best dress are strongly encouraged
  • Please arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before your performance time
  • Five-minute performance time limit
  • Adjudication forms will be provided at the performance venue
  • Announce your name, age, and name of the piece before performing


Tuesday February 25, 2025


Pine View High School


  • $20 for Solo
  • $30 for Duet
  • $35 for Trio/Quartet